Manuscript format.


Manuscript submissions must pass initial review before qualifying entry into the publication process. . Please ensure your work meets all requirements before submitting the manuscript.

Manuscript Requirements

File Type

  • We only accept text files or files in .doc or .docx format (such as from Microsoft Word or Open Office).
  • We do not accept PDF submissions.

Word Count

  • Manuscripts should be approximately 30,000–150,000 words in length. This limit does not include copyright page, acknowledgments, preface, titles, subtitles, appendices, or references

Quality of the Text

  • All submitted manuscripts must read as a formal academic manuscript. Word choice should not reflect a conversational or relaxed dialogue, be overly dependent on the use of bulleted lists, or rely heavily on the use of direct quotes. A formal academic manuscript should articulate ideas in a writing style that is precise, logical, and professional.
  • All factual statements must be supported by cited sources or research evidence.
  • Manuscripts must include, at minimum, an average of ten scholarly sources (books, book chapters, journal articles) per 10,000 words.
  • At least half of this minimum must be cited in text. These sources must be published within the past twenty years to ensure authors are engaging with the contemporary discourse in their field.
  • Sources by contributing authors do not count toward this minimum. All sources need to be in the complete reference list.
  • All citations must follow either the most current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style or the most current edition of APA.
  • Authors must ensure the accuracy of citations, quotations, diagrams, tables, and maps.

Peer Review

  • Submissions must not appear on any publicly visible website to avoid compromising the validity of a review. If your manuscript submission or title is publicly visible on any website, please remove the content before submitting your manuscript.
  • Initial submissions should omit all author-identifying material.

Previously Published Material

  • We do not accept submissions of previously published works, for single- or multi-author manuscripts.
  • Manuscript submissions must contain no more than 30% of previously published material (direct quotes). The remaining 70% of the manuscript must be unique and original to your current submission.


Are there any chapter guidelines we should adhere to?

In the case of edited collections and multi-authored books, the reference list should appear at the end of the chapter. All other chapter guidelines should adhere to the manuscript requirements listed above.

Does Common Ground Research Networks provide editing services?

Editing services are available upon request. You will need to submit a ticket here (please note: you will need to log into your CGScholar account to submit a ticket).

Will Common Ground Research Networks create an index for my book manuscript?

In the case that the authors wish to include an index in their book, they may decide to submit one themselves or Common Ground will offer a quote for indexing services.